How to Embed a Jupyter Notebook in Your WordPress

How to Embed a Jupyter Notebook in Your WordPress Blog – As Promised!

Hey there, amazing readers!

As promised in my previous posts, I'm back with a cool update that many of you have been eagerly waiting for. Today, I'm going to walk you through the process of embedding a Jupyter notebook into your WordPress blog. If you've been wondering how to do this, you're in the right place!

The Why and The How

So, why embed a Jupyter notebook in a blog? Well, Jupyter notebooks are an incredible tool for anyone working with data. They allow you to write and execute code, display results, and include explanatory text all in one document. Embedding these notebooks directly into your blog can make your posts more interactive and informative, especially if you're sharing data analysis or coding tutorials.

Now, let's dive into the "how-to" part. I'll guide you step-by-step, and by the end of this post, you'll be able to embed your Jupyter notebooks in your WordPress blog like a pro!

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Access Your WordPress Editor:

    • First things first, log into your WordPress dashboard and open the page or post where you want your notebook to appear.
  2. Elementor HTML Widget Magic:

    • We're using Elementor here because it's user-friendly and versatile. Open your page or post with Elementor and drag the "HTML" widget to the spot where you want your notebook.
  3. Embedding the Iframe:

    • In the HTML code area of the widget, paste the following iframe code:

      <iframe src="YOUR_NOTEBOOK_URL" id="YOUR_UNIQUE_ID" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="2020" frameborder="0" style="border: 1px lightgrey solid;"> </iframe>
      • Replace YOUR_NOTEBOOK_URL with the URL of your Jupyter notebook.
      • Use a unique identifier for YOUR_UNIQUE_ID, like notebook-2024-01-18.
  4. Add the Resizing Script:

    • Right after the iframe code, insert this JavaScript snippet:

      <script> (function () { var iframe = document.getElementById("YOUR_UNIQUE_ID"); function resize() { = (iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 4) + 'px'; } window.addEventListener('resize', resize); iframe.addEventListener('load', resize); })() </script>
      • Make sure YOUR_UNIQUE_ID in the script matches the ID in the iframe.
  5. Preview and Publish:

    • Check out how it looks using Elementor's preview feature. If you're happy with it, hit publish, and voilà!

Final Thoughts

And there you have it, folks – embedding a Jupyter notebook in your WordPress blog isn't just possible; it's pretty straightforward! I hope this guide helps you make your blog posts even more engaging and informative. If you run into any issues or have any questions, feel free to drop a comment below. Happy blogging!